How does Poptin count visitors?
A unique monthly visitor is anyone who visits one of your website pages with our snippet in the last 30 days. A visitor may initiate several sessions and view multiple pages, but they will still only be counted as a single visitor as long as they didn’t delete browser cookies or used a different device or browser. You can see your monthly usage on the top of the Overview page. *We do NOT count bots. Bots can't reach to our code, popups and forms and can't waste visitors in your plan. NoteSome readersHow to cancel your plan or move back to the free plan?
Open Settings in your Poptin dashboard and click on Billing and plans. Now, there are two options for stopping your payments and plan. It is up to you which one you would like to use: Downgrade by moving to the Free plan: First of all, you will see all Poptin's plans. If you would like to do a downgrade and cancel your plan right away you can just choose a free plan instead of your current plan. AfterwSome readersHow can I upgrade or downgrade my plan?
In this help guide, we will try to explain how you can upgrade or downgrade your plan. Poptin gives you the option to freely upgrade or downgrade your Plans from the Billing page on your Account. You can also check our Plans to find the best one for you. We do have Monthly as well as Annual Plans that you can view below Monthly Plans ( readersHow does an Agency account look like?
If you have a digital agency or more the 4 websites, the Agency plan is the right fit for you. Agency plan, unlike the other plans, comes with 3 additional benefits: Unlimited domains - you can build unlimited popups and forms for unlimited amount of domains, for all of your clients and websites. You can see the different prices based on your monthly visitors here: Sub-accounts - you can create a sub-account for each of your clients/websites. This way youFew readersWhere can I update the city company name, VAT number and address for my invoices?
Open settings in the menu and go to your profile. After that, you can just fill in the form with your Company name, VAT number, or even update the Address. Once you will update your profile, don't forget to save your changes by clicking on the save button iFew readersWhere can I find my invoices?
Go to and scroll to the bottom of the page. If it is your first purchase, you will see the invoice within 2 hours.Few readersWhen do I get my invoice?
You will get your invoice within 2 hours after your credit card was charged.Few readers