How to target Shopify visitors based on their order history?
You can now target your visitors based on their previous order history on your Shopify Store. Please follow the instructions below to see how this works.
Please note the Order History Targeting only applies to your customers that are logged in only.
Within the Display Rules select Shopify Order History Targeting .
Choose Show Poptin to display poptin or Don't Show Poptin to hide poptin.
Choose the parameter based on your preference. There are 10 parameters available for you to choose from mentioned below in detail.
Product Purchase History
Target users based on their previously purchased product.
a. Any - Any product purchased.
b. Category - Any product from a specific category purchased.
c. Page/Collection - Product purchased from a specific page or collection.
Select Products
Target users based on their purchase of multiple products at once.
Select Products - Select all the products from the dropdown.
Spent Total
All-time collective spent of any user.
Over or Equal - Specific spent amount or more.
Under - If the total spent amount is under or less than a specific amount.
Spent (Single Order)
Any Single Order amount spent.
Over or Equal - Specific spent amount or more.
Under - If the total spent amount is under or less than a specific amount.
Discount Orders
Target based on orders discount value in %.
Over or Equal - Specific % of discount value.
Under - If the total discount % is under a specific value.
Order Status
Target based on current order status.
Completed - Show/Hide Poptin to customers who have completed orders.
Refunded - Show/Hide Poptin to customers who have refunded orders.
Open - Show/Hide Poptin to customers with Open/Active orders.
Invoice Sent - Show/Hide Poptin to customers who have received the order invoice.
Payment Status
Target based on the user's payment status.
Authorized - The payment provider validated your customer’s payment information.
Paid - Payment was captured and status is Paid.
Partially Paid - You manually captured payment for the order and specified a lesser value.
Refunded - Any payments with refunded status.
Partially Refunded - Payments refunded with lesser value than the amount paid.
Pending - Orders with Pending payment status.
Unpaid - Includes orders in Authorized, Pending, and Partially paid payment status.
Void - Users with unpaid orders manually canceled.
Fulfillment Status
Target based on the user's fulfillment status.
Fulfilled - Orders that have been fulfilled.
Unfulfilled - Users with orders that haven't been fulfilled yet.
Partially Fulfilled - Users whose orders have been partially fulfilled.
Scheduled - Users whose orders are scheduled to be fulfilled soon.
On hold - Orders with fulfillment status as On-Hold
Customer Info
Target based on the customer's information such as specific emails, locations, their newsletter consent status and more
Here are some innovative use cases to get the most out of it.
Product Purchase History - Show popups to upsell products based on previous purchase products. Such as showing your new collection of Polo Shirts on a popup to your customers that previously purchased the pants or trousers.
Spent Total - Offer an additional discount to customers who have spent less than a specific amount. Alternatively, show your best-selling products to customers who have spent more than a specific amount.
Order Status - Get more sales by showing special offers to customers with completed orders. Alternatively, get sales from refunded orders by offering a personalized discount offer to refunded customers.
Fulfillment Status - Get reviews from customers whose orders have been fulfilled with a personalized popup. Alternatively, you can also show a bar notification that their orders are being fulfilled or have been on hold.
Customer Info - Show a specific popup entirely customized for a specific customer and or their country and state.
Note : Some of the features in Order History Targeting require the users to be logged in thus these options may not work with Shopify Logged In Status Targeting if set to Logged Out.
Please note the Order History Targeting only applies to your customers that are logged in only.
Within the Display Rules select Shopify Order History Targeting .
Choose Show Poptin to display poptin or Don't Show Poptin to hide poptin.
Choose the parameter based on your preference. There are 10 parameters available for you to choose from mentioned below in detail.
Product Purchase History
Target users based on their previously purchased product.
a. Any - Any product purchased.
b. Category - Any product from a specific category purchased.
c. Page/Collection - Product purchased from a specific page or collection.
Select Products
Target users based on their purchase of multiple products at once.
Select Products - Select all the products from the dropdown.
Spent Total
All-time collective spent of any user.
Over or Equal - Specific spent amount or more.
Under - If the total spent amount is under or less than a specific amount.
Spent (Single Order)
Any Single Order amount spent.
Over or Equal - Specific spent amount or more.
Under - If the total spent amount is under or less than a specific amount.
Discount Orders
Target based on orders discount value in %.
Over or Equal - Specific % of discount value.
Under - If the total discount % is under a specific value.
Order Status
Target based on current order status.
Completed - Show/Hide Poptin to customers who have completed orders.
Refunded - Show/Hide Poptin to customers who have refunded orders.
Open - Show/Hide Poptin to customers with Open/Active orders.
Invoice Sent - Show/Hide Poptin to customers who have received the order invoice.
Payment Status
Target based on the user's payment status.
Authorized - The payment provider validated your customer’s payment information.
Paid - Payment was captured and status is Paid.
Partially Paid - You manually captured payment for the order and specified a lesser value.
Refunded - Any payments with refunded status.
Partially Refunded - Payments refunded with lesser value than the amount paid.
Pending - Orders with Pending payment status.
Unpaid - Includes orders in Authorized, Pending, and Partially paid payment status.
Void - Users with unpaid orders manually canceled.
Fulfillment Status
Target based on the user's fulfillment status.
Fulfilled - Orders that have been fulfilled.
Unfulfilled - Users with orders that haven't been fulfilled yet.
Partially Fulfilled - Users whose orders have been partially fulfilled.
Scheduled - Users whose orders are scheduled to be fulfilled soon.
On hold - Orders with fulfillment status as On-Hold
Customer Info
Target based on the customer's information such as specific emails, locations, their newsletter consent status and more
Here are some innovative use cases to get the most out of it.
Product Purchase History - Show popups to upsell products based on previous purchase products. Such as showing your new collection of Polo Shirts on a popup to your customers that previously purchased the pants or trousers.
Spent Total - Offer an additional discount to customers who have spent less than a specific amount. Alternatively, show your best-selling products to customers who have spent more than a specific amount.
Order Status - Get more sales by showing special offers to customers with completed orders. Alternatively, get sales from refunded orders by offering a personalized discount offer to refunded customers.
Fulfillment Status - Get reviews from customers whose orders have been fulfilled with a personalized popup. Alternatively, you can also show a bar notification that their orders are being fulfilled or have been on hold.
Customer Info - Show a specific popup entirely customized for a specific customer and or their country and state.
Note : Some of the features in Order History Targeting require the users to be logged in thus these options may not work with Shopify Logged In Status Targeting if set to Logged Out.
Updated on: 15/11/2024
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