How to integrate your Poptin with Crisp?
You can now send Poptin Leads automatically to Crisp Chat!
Here's how:
Log in to your Poptin account and go to the Popups dashboard. Once there, click on the drop down icon next to the popup which you want to integrate with Crisp Chat, and click "Edit Design".

Scroll down to "Email and Integration" and click on "Add Integration" Please make sure your popup has Name and Email fields as these are mandatory for Crisp Integration.

Find Crisp in the Integration List and select it.

Within your Crisp Dashboard navigate to Settings > Website Settings and click the Settings button next to your website.

Copy the Website ID under Setup Instructions panel.

Navigate back to the Poptin Integration window and paste your previously copied website ID in the field and press on Authorize to integrate. Once done, simply save integration by clicking Approve button.

You have successfully integrated your popup/form with Crisp Chat.
Note: If you see the error It looks like you didn't install our Crisp app. Please click on Install or follow the link below to install Poptin app from Crisp Marketplace.
Note: Supported fields in Crisp<>Poptin integration are as below.
Here's how:
Log in to your Poptin account and go to the Popups dashboard. Once there, click on the drop down icon next to the popup which you want to integrate with Crisp Chat, and click "Edit Design".

Scroll down to "Email and Integration" and click on "Add Integration" Please make sure your popup has Name and Email fields as these are mandatory for Crisp Integration.

Find Crisp in the Integration List and select it.

Within your Crisp Dashboard navigate to Settings > Website Settings and click the Settings button next to your website.

Copy the Website ID under Setup Instructions panel.

Navigate back to the Poptin Integration window and paste your previously copied website ID in the field and press on Authorize to integrate. Once done, simply save integration by clicking Approve button.

You have successfully integrated your popup/form with Crisp Chat.
Note: If you see the error It looks like you didn't install our Crisp app. Please click on Install or follow the link below to install Poptin app from Crisp Marketplace.
Note: Supported fields in Crisp<>Poptin integration are as below.
Updated on: 15/11/2024
Thank you!