Cookie targeting - how it works?
If you have a paid account, you will be able to show (or not show) a poptin to specific users who have a specific cookie and value.
For example, you can show a different poptin to visitors who already opted-in and signed up for your newsletter (on another poptin).
You can show an exit intent poptin to visitors who added items to their carts in your Woocommerce website or to visitors that are logged in to your Shopify store.
So how do I find my poptin's cookies / my website cookies?
A. Poptins:
These are the cookies you can target by:
poptin_conversion_ID - when a visitor converted in a specific poptin
(the ID should look like 30904792ed454, and you can find it in the URL of the design page of the poptin)
poptin_c_p_o_x_c_ID - when a visitor closed (clicks on the a specific poptin
(again, you can find it in the URL of the design page of the poptin)
B. Your website cookies:
Visit your website.
Click f12 and a developer screen will show up ("inspect element").
Click on "Applications" on the top bar of the window.
On the left menu of the window, click on "Cookies" and you will see the list of all the cookies on your site.
Remember, you can target visitors only by your own website cookies or by Poptin's cookies. You cannot target other 3rd party cookies like Facebook or Google etc.
Also note that we might not be able to read all the your domain cookies, for example if they are set to httpOnly.
For example, you can show a different poptin to visitors who already opted-in and signed up for your newsletter (on another poptin).
You can show an exit intent poptin to visitors who added items to their carts in your Woocommerce website or to visitors that are logged in to your Shopify store.
So how do I find my poptin's cookies / my website cookies?
A. Poptins:
These are the cookies you can target by:
poptin_conversion_ID - when a visitor converted in a specific poptin
(the ID should look like 30904792ed454, and you can find it in the URL of the design page of the poptin)
poptin_c_p_o_x_c_ID - when a visitor closed (clicks on the a specific poptin
(again, you can find it in the URL of the design page of the poptin)
B. Your website cookies:
Visit your website.
Click f12 and a developer screen will show up ("inspect element").
Click on "Applications" on the top bar of the window.
On the left menu of the window, click on "Cookies" and you will see the list of all the cookies on your site.
Remember, you can target visitors only by your own website cookies or by Poptin's cookies. You cannot target other 3rd party cookies like Facebook or Google etc.
Also note that we might not be able to read all the your domain cookies, for example if they are set to httpOnly.
Updated on: 15/11/2024
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