What are the different types of coupons available in Poptin?
In Poptin you can create 2 types of coupon codes.
Fixed Coupon - Every visitor will see the same coupon code. Good for static discount
Unique Coupon - Every visitor will see a unique coupon code. You can paste all the coupon codes in the box or upload a CSV file containing all the coupon codes. You can also add a fallback coupon code to show after unique coupon codes run out.
Fixed Coupon - Every visitor will see the same coupon code. Good for static discount
Unique Coupon - Every visitor will see a unique coupon code. You can paste all the coupon codes in the box or upload a CSV file containing all the coupon codes. You can also add a fallback coupon code to show after unique coupon codes run out.
Updated on: 15/11/2024
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