How to install Poptin on your ePages website?
In this help article, we will try to illustrate how you can install Poptin on your ePages website.
Please follow the steps below as instructed:
Login to your ePages account and click on Go to Shop Administration.
Click on Apps
Look for Poptin there.
Click on Install App and accept the Terms and conditions and click on the Install App button at the bottom.
After installing the Poptin app, click on Open App.
Sign up with your email address if you don't already have an account created on Poptin.
Or click on Already have an account? if you have a Poptin account and then enter your Poptin account User ID and then click on the Connect button
After all these steps Poptin app will be installed successfully on your ePages account.
This is how a Poptin popup would look on your ePages website:
Please follow the steps below as instructed:
Login to your ePages account and click on Go to Shop Administration.
Click on Apps
Look for Poptin there.
Click on Install App and accept the Terms and conditions and click on the Install App button at the bottom.
After installing the Poptin app, click on Open App.
Sign up with your email address if you don't already have an account created on Poptin.
Or click on Already have an account? if you have a Poptin account and then enter your Poptin account User ID and then click on the Connect button
After all these steps Poptin app will be installed successfully on your ePages account.
This is how a Poptin popup would look on your ePages website:
Updated on: 15/11/2024
Thank you!