Articles on: Design

How to set Dynamic width and layout for input fields on your Poptin?

You can set Dynamic width and layout for the Input fields on your Poptin popup and form.

Please refer to these steps below to understand how you can set that:

Go to the Design settings of your popup:

Select Input Fields settings on the left menu and you will get the option to choose between Horizontal or Vertical layout for the Input fields. Choose the Horizontal layout to further edit the width of the input field dynamically.

You will get the following options for field width dimensions in percentage. So you can adjust the field width size in percentage capacity.

Below are few examples of how each field width option works. We have chosen the email field to showcase this:

25% - The email input field would look like this at 25% dynamic width

33% - The email input field would look like this at 33% dynamic width

50% - The email input field would look like this at 50% dynamic width

66% - The email input field would look like this at 66% dynamic width

75% - The email input field would look like this at 75% dynamic width

100% - The email input field would look like this at 100% dynamic width

There is also an option Push to a new row to be able to push the field into a new row below the previous fields

Once you have set up the desired field width and layout, click on Next or Publish Changes button at the top right corner.

You can try different layout designs for the Input fields on your popup with these settings. Here are some examples to refer:

Updated on: 15/11/2024

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