Articles on: Design

How to get Whatsapp leads on any Poptin?

In this help guide, we will try to illustrate how you can get Whatsapp leads on any poptin.

Please follow the instructions below to understand the process:

You can use this tool to generate API link that you can use to redirect the visitors to Whatsapp - Whatsapp Link Generator

Open this tool on a new tab to create your Whatsapp API link, by filling up your Whatsapp contact number and the message that you may want the users to send to your Whatsapp first, and then click on the Get Link button like this:

Now go back to your Poptin Dashboard and click on the pencil icon next to the popup where you want to add the redirection link and go to Edit Design

Make sure you have a SUBMIT button on the popup and you choose the Button Submission action as LINK TO and paste the Whatsapp Redirection link here under "The link you want to redirect to", like this:

Then click on Next or Publish Changes button on the top right corner to save this in the popup settings

This will redirect the visitors to Whatsapp and then they can connect with you over Whatsapp after submitting the popup.

If you want to send the URL path or full URL where the visitor clicked on the submit button and converted, please use {path_url} or {conversion_url} as the value of the text. Check the screenshot for clarification.

Updated on: 15/11/2024

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